January 2021 - New Year and new projects
The cold January wind is sweeping across the Bay of Fundy as 2021 starts. Most of the exterior projects are on hold until the spring; outside kitchen, stainless hot tub, bathhouse and landscaping. Over the winter work will continue on interiors of the cabins with the hope of having 5 buildings open for Summer 2021 and return to hosting more events. All this depends on Covid-19 regulations.

Grand fireplace under construction for the outside kitchen. There will also be a pizza oven and a octagonal cookhouse.

Stainless hot tub made from recycled milk factory evaporation tank.

Front of the newly constructed " Stage Cabin". Named for the stage in front of it.

The first concert at the Stage Cabin. October 2020 ( cabin not completed at this point)

January 2021, The bathhouse (foreground) There will be three showers, three toilets, two outside showers and a soaker tub. Opens Summer 2021. The Rose cabin can be seen in the background.

The main south gate with vegetable stand and Rose Cabin in background. Wheelchair accessible ramp has just been started.

Alpine Cabin with new bathhouse (2020)

Ice ( from sea spray) covers the grand window of the Alpine cabin

Birthday party for twins October 23, 2020

The "Ship" platform on the cliff - event area

The floor of the future "Well cabin"